Homemade Seed Starting Trays on a Budget

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Starting your seeds indoors can be a rewarding and cost-effective way to grow your garden, but buying seed starting trays can quickly add up. Fret not! With some creativity and a few household items, you can create your very own homemade seed starting trays. Our simple and easy methods are perfect for gardening hobbyists, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced green thumb.

DIY Seed Starting Tray Options

1. Upcycled Cardboard Egg Cartons

  • Materials: Cardboard egg cartons, potting soil or seed starting mix, and seeds
  • Method: Fill each egg cup with soil; plant seed according to package instructions; water gently to moisten soil
  • Pros: Biodegradable, widely available, and eco-friendly
  • Cons: Limited space for root development; cartons may become soggy over time

2. Newspaper or Brown paper Pots

  • Materials: Newspaper, brown paper bags, potting soil or seed starting mix, seeds, and cylindrical object (e.g. tin can or glass jar)
  • Method: Cut paper into strips (twice the height of the container); wrap strip around the cylinder, overlapping slightly at base; fold paper back into container, creating the bottom; carefully slide off, fill with soil, and plant seeds
  • Pros: Biodegradable, repurposes old materials, and cost-effective
  • Cons: Newspaper ink may smudge slightly; may require periodic reinforcement if the paper becomes too wet
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3. Yogurt Cups or Plastic Food Containers

  • Materials: Empty yogurt cups or small plastic food containers, potting soil or seed starting mix, and seeds
  • Method: Clean containers, poke holes in bottom for drainage, fill with soil, and plant seeds
  • Pros: Easy to find, reusable, and sturdy
  • Cons: Non-biodegradable and not as eco-friendly as other options

4. Toilet Paper Tubes or Paper Towel Rolls

  • Materials: Empty toilet paper tubes or paper towel rolls, potting soil or seed starting mix, seeds, and a seed tray or shallow container
  • Method: Cut tubes to desired height, fill with soil, and plant seeds; place tubes in the tray or container in an upright position for stability
  • Pros: Biodegradable, repurposes materials, and free
  • Cons: Limited space for root development and prone to water damage


Starting your seedlings indoors using DIY seed starting trays is a cost-effective and eco-friendly way to kickstart your gardening journey. By utilizing materials you already have at home, anyone can become a successful gardener. Whether you’re a gardening novice or an experienced enthusiast, homemade seed starting trays give your plants the strong foundation they need to thrive. So start your seeds and watch as your garden dreams come to life!

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